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Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture Services

Claimable Through Acupuncture Benefits + Insurance Plans


Registered Massage Therapy Services

Claimable Through Massage Therapy Benefits + Insurance Plans


Certified Functional Health Consultant

Naturopathic Care + Pelvic Floor Therapy Services

*Please note that our Naturopathic Doctor is currently on Maternity Leave, return date TBA*

Methods of Payment Accepted

Master Card| Visa| Debit| Apple Pay| Cash | E-transfer

What Our Clients Say

Anonymous to protect patient privacy + confidentiality 

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" My husband & I saw Dr. Devaleriola in clinic while she practiced in Calgary. She helped us conceive our baby naturally & she helped me throughout my entire pregnancy journey. She helped me immensely with morning sickness management, low back pain & post- partum fatigue. Thinking back, we don't know what we would have done without her guidance + help. Her calming & kind nature made us both feel so comfortable whenever we saw her". 
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